Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Lorraine Evelyn Mason

Lorraine Sherman Mason was born and raised in her native Liberia. She is a former clinical grief therapist and life coach. In addition to her literary pursuits, Lorraine is the executive director of the Martha M. Wright Foundation and a freelance author of “A Journey of the Self” and "Yes, Jesus Loves Me,” a contribution piece to the book of the same title. Lorraine is a member of Texas Folklore Society, past contributing editor to the online magazine USAfrica, TLC Africa and blogs for Hubpages. Lorraine lives in Bellaire, Texas, with her husband, Fulkra, and two of her three children. She is at work on other pieces as she establishes herself as a folklorist.


The information provided on this page and on the authors book page Sassywood Man was provided by the author directly as of October 31, 2015.