Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Campbell, Louis H

Author: Louis H Campbell
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: 978-1490978765
Copyright: July 2013
Pages: 292

This is a love story that develops between wealthy Kyle Hughes and lovely missionary nurse Rhonda Lyttle that began on a spontaneous day of sailing together. On parallel courses they meet "coincidentally" in seven locations around the globe over two decades. This story weaves a gentle tale of priorities for living in a captivating passionate story of commitment that will soften your heart to the realities of life.

Personal History of the book: Based on many experiences in life, and observing people in many different relationships, I wrote this book as a fiction but as a model of perseverance in developing interpersonal skills.  My bride of 50 years and I have had many sessions of counseling individuals and couples about such behavior. The locations are actual and we have visited all of them in our married life.