Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

The Dry

Above are the two covers related to this book.  The first cover is to the left, with the new 'softer' cover to the right.
by R L Nolen
Self Published
400 pages
ISBN: 9781939889126
(c) 2013

The Dry is a children's historical fantasy that combines the awful truths of the mining world in 1895 West Virginia with an adventure story about a boy who goes on a search for his father and discovers a world underground overrun with giant insects. Some insects are good, some are bad, and some are plain ugly. A blend of fiction and non-fiction that is designed to educate in a delightfully entertaining way.

History of the Book:

The main message is keeping promises.  Set in 1895 West Virginia coal mine country before child labor laws were enacted.



R L Nolen - September 26, 2015