Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Author Rick Wilcox

Two Generations-Visions of Life, Volume 1

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Harold Wilcox was born during 1899 and grew up in a small village in Michigan. The family of 10 lived in a small two bedroom house lacking plumbing and electricity. There wasn’t enough money to satisfy the eight children to their wants. They had to create activities to entertain themselves. They were taught that they had to earn money to buy what they wanted such as a bike. Music for the family was an entertainment during Sunday nights. The family would gather around the piano during Sunday evenings and sing together. This was very enjoyable for the family.

Harold learned a trade of barbering when he was an early teenager. He also accepted that nothing was free and whatever he wanted he had to work for it. This knowledge was an asset for him for all of his life and it was in bedded in him during his adult years. He was born to be a leader. He was involved in sports and became a track star breaking Michigan’s two miles time during 1921. He coach high school basketball, taught high school classes and was very active in organizations in the local area and national. He also was involved in politics wining two elections. He also experiences the Great Depression and the negative effect it had on the population.

After Harold Wilcox’s death, a student he had in one of his classes wrote a note to my brother. He stated he was a high school student of Harold. He said Harold was a dear friend during his early teens and provided a lot of counsel and inspiration towards him. He felt that Harold was a man of great integrity and was a good model for him. He also stated that Harold went out of his way to do special things for him and took time to help solve a problem. He ended saying, “I know you and your family will miss him but we are all so much the better for having known him.” Harold Wilcox was a wonderful father to me and my brother. This book represents an amazing story.
