Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Born and raised in Compton, California Kim Robinson now resides in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. She loves books, movies, cooking and sewing. She is a contractor with the Arise Work From Home company and also teaches sewing lessons. She is a wife and mother of three. Writing is a way for her to reach out and help others better themselves and get past dark places, which she had plenty of experience with in her life time. Her mantra is, “I’m Still Here and I’m Still Standing. In reading her novels, The Roux in the Gumbo and the sequels, Street Life to Housewife part one and two she does not hold back on describing her life. She speaks at churches and shelters sharing her testimony and lifting them up. She says that everytime someone reads her books they bring her ancestors back to life. She is an award winning author and has made the Dallas Best Sellers list. She says today Dallas, tomorrow the world.