Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Kathleen J Shields

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Precognition – Future-Sight

Have you ever seen the future through a dream?
If you knew you could save someone with that knowledge, would you?

Kaitlyn Jones is on a mission; get the man of her dreams to notice her but her mission in life becomes much greater when her ‘gifts’ become clearer. One life-altering dream will drastically change her life, thus significantly transforming her future. Overwhelmed by the exciting ability of telepathy and the exhilarating promise of telekinesis, Kaitlyn Jones embarks on an electrifying journey that will inevitably distort everything in her life.

Finding herself through life’s daily trials, learning of her past through painful losses and horrifying discoveries, Kaitlyn is forced to make difficult decisions amid traumatic unforeseen circumstances that inevitably lead her down the path towards maturity. Feel the emotions erupt as Kaitlyn Jones is sent through a spiral of adventures that only advance her towards her impending destiny.