Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Green, Ben K

Author: Ben K Green
Publisher:  University of Nebraska Press

Retail: $18.95
ISBN: 978-0803270909
Copyright: February 1, 2000
Pages: 307

Ben K. Green takes us back to the deep Southwest and the never-a-dull-moment years he spent as a practicing horse doctor along the Pecos and the Rio Grande. With precious little formal schooling but a perfect corral-side manner and plenty of natural wit, Green became the first to hang up a shingle in the trans-Pecos territory. Hear him tell the tales of his struggles with mean stockmen, yellowweed fever, banditos, poison hay, and “drouth.” His canny mix of science and horse sense when treating animals “that ain’t house pets” is 100-proof old time pleasure.



Books by the Author

Ben Green Tales

Color of Horses, The

Horse Conformation

Horse Tradin'

Last Trail Drive Through Downtown Dallas, The

Wild Cow Tales