Texas Authors Institute of History

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Patricia Taylor Wells published her first book in 2016: “Camp Tyler, A First of its Kind” for the benefit of Camp Tyler, the oldest outdoor education school in the country, which she attended as a child.

Since then, Ms. Wells has published the following books: “The Eyes of the Doe” 2017 (novel), “Mademoiselle Renoir à Paris” 2018 (memoir), “LodeStar: Reflections of Light and Dark” 2019 (poetry), and “The Sand Rose” 2021 (novel), “Kaleidoscope” 2022 (poetry).

Her awards include First Place for Family Life/Inspirational Fiction in the Best of Texas Book Awards in 2018 (“The Eyes of the Doe”) First Place for Poetry in the Best of Texas Book Awards in 2020 (“LodeStar: Reflections of Light and Dark”) and First Place for Poetry in the Best of Texas Book Awards in 2023 (“Kaleidoscope”). She has also received eleven awards for short stories from 2019 to 2023. Since 2016, Tyler Today Magazine has featured Ms. Wells seven times in its “Authors Among Us” column, which she helped inspire to benefit local authors.

Ms. Wells, who holds a BA in English and French, facilitated writing critique groups for the Atlanta Writers Club and Knoxville Writers Group. She especially enjoys writing poetry and draws inspiration from the wide range of experiences she gathered from her travels and living in various places.