Texas Authors Institute of History

A Unique Museum that saves history, inspires the future, depth and gives to the present..

Home at Last

by Jan Sikes
RiJan Publishing
314 Pages
ISBN: 9780990617921
(c) 2015
First Edition - The TAIH Museum has one copy.

With empty pockets and a heart full of dreams Luke Stone leaves behind the nightmare of fifteen long years in Leavenworth prison, not giving it a backward glance. Eyes firmly on the future, he boards a Greyhound bus bound for Texas…for freedom…for the one who holds his heart. The unjust conviction no longer matters and revenge haunts him no more. Darlina Flowers, the woman who takes his breath away, waits ahead and with her by his side, nothing can stop him. He is headed HOME AT LAST.

Personal History of the Book:

This is a Biographical Fiction book, meaning it is a true story but told through fictitious characters. It is a very personal story as I am one of the characters. Once released from prison, at the age of fifty, Luke Stone begins a new life with a new family. This book is all about new beginnings and a love that never wavers through the good times and the bad.

Other books by the Author

Convict and the Rose, The

Flowers and Stone



Above was provided by Jan Sikes

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